The truth of the matter is that is all incorrect. Of course, some people would say that I am biased because of where I work, but at the end the day facts are just facts. Jon Corzine is not the most charismatic of candidates, he hasn't scratched everyone's backs that he was supposed to and as a result it seems that people who should be supporting him, have offered lukewarm support if any at all.
Corzine was the first governor to make it so that elected New Jersey officials could not hold several elected positions at the same time. Why should someone be mayor, and a assemblyman/woman at the same time? How can they be dedicated to really serving their constituents if they have their hands in too many projects? He also eliminated a lot of the pork barrel legislation that was going on in state politics. It may piss off some of the New Jersey legislators, because they can no longer say, "okay I'll approve this bill if you give me $250,000 to build a community pool in my town." So even the Democrats are mad, but you see, that is what makes Corzine unique, he hasn't gone around trying to make friends....he's tried to make good policy. In a state that has long had an ugly reputation for corruption,

you need someone like Corzine who isn't trying to make friends or get donations...instead he's trying to serve New Jersey.
But when it does come to connections and alliances, Corzine is far more capable of serving New Jersey with his connection to Obama and the White House than his opponents could ever be.
(To throw a little mud around: let us not forget that Republican Chris Christie was a George W. Bush appointee.)It's clear that a lot of people haven't been reading the news or keeping up this year, CORZINE SAVED THOUSANDS OF JOBS WITH ARRA (STIMULUS) MONEY.

(Mud: Christie said he would have rejected that money, I don't know how that would've helped decrease property taxes if he is saying no to money.)
People love to throw the phrase, "tax and spend liberal" around, they also love to talk about how Democrats just love big government. Fact: JON CORZINE IS THE FIRST GOVERNOR IN SIX DECADES TO CUT THE SIZE OF STATE GOVERNMENT. Personally, I'm think agencies do a lot of great work, and I have never been adamantly opposed to government's presence in certain aspects of our lives where they can do good and provide needed services. However, as someone who has interned in an NJ agency (Sorry guys, but I have to tell the truth) there is a little bit of dead weight here and there. Corzine cut 7000 state jobs, so in a recession that seems like a bad idea, but in reality he saved NJ tax payers a lot of money. It was a tough decision, and I am saddened that so many people had to lose jobs, but in a recession, you can't keep doing the same things we've been doing, and make no sacrifices and expect to balance a budget. At the same time, if you weren't clear how Corzine had so many enemies, this is why. He didn't do what was popular, he did what was necessary.
Some people want money and a balanced budget to drop out of the sky. They don't want to cut jobs, they don't want toll hikes, but they want to invest more in education. Well wake up, this is the real world, and we have to make sacrifices to save things that are the most important like health care and education.
Corzine ensured 100,000 more New Jersey children. That is something that no one else before him has done. The New Jersey Family Care plan is innovative and Corzine is responsible for it. He ensured children across New Jersey who other wise may have gone un-insured. I can't find anything wrong with that. So if we had to pay a few extra cents on the highway to make sure that some 5 year old with working class parents can get his asthma treatment, so be it.
So facts are facts, if his budget this year is smaller than last year, how is that wasteful? When you are serving during tough times you cannot please everyone, so some of us have to stop being selfish, think long term and face the facts. Jon Corzine is the best decision for New Jersey.
Corzine 2009.